Adena Bank Lees: Working With Dissociative Identity Disorder: Empowering Clients
Adena is an internationally recognized authority on trauma related to childhood sexual abuse, in particular Covert Emotional Incest (CEI) and her mission is to bring CEI out of the shadows and shine light on the process of identifying and healing from it.
In her book, Covert Emotional Incest: The Hidden Sexual Abuse, Adena details the complex nature of CEI, its damaging consequences, and the path to restoration of health and well-being.
Adena exudes authenticity, passion and vulnerability, and within the context of working with those who’ve been impacted by trauma, this is what it’s all about.
- Adena’s website
- Adena on episode #223 The Trauma Therapist | Podcast
- Covert Emotional Incest: The Hidden Sexual Abuse: A Story of Hope and Healing, Adena Bank Lees LCSW
- Adena’s Consulting